The take home message:
Balance is fundamental to maintain health.
A simple example:
Too much physical activity -- we can fatigue our body and get injured.
Too little physical activity -- we can fatigue our body and get injured.
For some of us, we don't realize how unhealthy we've been until we are healthy with our mind, body, and soul. Keeping our body in balance is one of the best ways to stay healthy, and there's no magic pill that will do that for you. Being healthy is a lifestyle, determined by the choices you make. Eating in moderation, getting enough water, getting enough quality sleep, and getting enough quality exercise are all excellent methods to help maintain your health.
Read on for more information:
Recap: Reschke's Laws of Chiropractic
Reschke's Laws of Chiropractic mirror Isaac Newton's laws of motion -- because motion is what I focus on as a chiropractor,
Link to the first law -- keep moving if you want to keep moving.
Link to the second law -- be a big healing force.
This is the third law--- Balance
Newton's third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you are getting out of a chair and you push on the arm rest to help raise yourself up, the chair needs to push back with equal force so that you actually rise up like you intended, as opposed to you crushing the chair with your force and subsequently falling to the floor. It's a fairly simple concept with profound implications.
Reschke's Third Law of Chiropractic
-There are Equals and Opposites-->Balance is fundamental to maintain health
-For every [adjective] in life, there is an equal and opposite [adjective], i.e. there is Balance. I put the word adjective in brackets because the principle of balance relates to so much more than words. -- More on that relativity later.
How it applies to us:
Equals and opposites come in pairs, such as: happy/sad, unhealthy/healthy, fearful/brave. For this blog post we are going to assume a binary nature (either one or the other, aka black and white -- there is no gray), but I believe the reality of each pair is a spectrum, as there are degrees of each concept (aka black and white and lots of gray); such as, we have different levels of sadness and different levels of happiness.
Moreover, you cannot know [happy] unless you know [sad]. You can place any pair of opposites into the brackets of that last sentence: they are all relative to your personal experience. See Einstein's theory of special relativity coming up in the next post-- I believe the deeper sorrow you feel/have felt, the greater joy you can feel/will feel. I'm pretty sure reason for pain is laughter, as in: The more pain you feel/felt, the deeper and stronger you can laugh. -- But back to this balance thing ---
For some of us, we don't realize how unhealthy we've been until we are healthy with our mind, body, and soul.
We are in charge of determining and maintaining our personal balance so that we are healthy.
If you have studied medicine, you are familiar with homeostasis -- the body is in balance as cells and liquids are constantly flowing.
Too much activity == Problems, in the same way as ​
Too little activity == Problems -- sound familiar?
Our bodies change with time, and therefore what our bodies need and how they balance will change with time, also.
Keeping our body in balance is one of the best ways to stay healthy, and there's no magic pill that will make your body stay in balance. Being healthy is a lifestyle, determined by the choices you make.
Thank you for reading.
See my next post for further information on the intellectual minds that influenced my decision to become a chiropractor:
Reschke's Laws of Chiropractic, CARE THAT KEEPS YOU MOVING
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