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Reschke's First Law of Chiropractic: Motion

Updated: Sep 17, 2019

The take home message:

By keeping our nerves, muscles, and bones active, we will keep them strong so that we can keep living the life we love. If you want to keep moving, then you need to keep moving.

If you want to stay active, then................ you need to stay active!

Yes, it can be that simple.

Chiropractic care helps your joints, muscles, nerves and bones stay active.

Essentially, I provide care that keeps you moving.


Read on for more information:

Reschke's Laws of Chiropractic

I am a scientist in the fields of Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics. I was inspired by some other great scientists to pursue a career in chiropractic. Reschke's Laws of Chiropractic mirror Isaac Newton's laws of motion -- because motion is what I focus on as a chiropractor --

How in the world of twitter did Isaac Newton inspire me to pursue chiropractic?

Reschke's First Law of Chiropractic

-A body that's active stays active – which is the main substance Newton’s first law--Inertia, if you remember your high school science. And yes we can get more detailed---A body in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside Force. Why did I capitalize Force? -- more on that later

You might be thinking, "that's great Dr. Cole, but who cares? What does this mean for me???"

What this means for us:

if you want to keep playing basketball, then you need to keep playing basketball. If you want to keep dancing, then you need to keep dancing, etc.

If you want to stay active, then you need to stay active. Seems a little simplistic, but this is the same concept as "If you do not use it, you lose it". Our bodies, in general, will wear down with time and activity, but they wear down a lot faster with inactivity.

Have you ever broken a bone and had to wear a cast and keep a body part still for a couple weeks? Remember what happened? Your muscles got smaller and weaker, and when the cast was removed you could see and feel the difference compared to the opposing limb that was moving and doing "normal" activity during the same time.

Now, don’t get me wrong here, I’m not saying “You don’t need a cast if you break a bone in your arm, you just need to wave your hand like a kindergartner with a question and it will keep waving!” – Casting and immobilization are critical so the bones heal in the best possible position.

– What I’m saying is the muscles will get weak when we do not use them. That is why physical therapy (aka exercises to strengthen the body) are so important after a cast is removed. I'm going to take a giant leap of faith and assume we all know how to strengthen muscles in one way or another -- by using them repeatedly—aka being active.

What about nerves, Dr. Cole? Can you strengthen a nerve?

No. Nerves don't work like muscles do.

But you CAN strengthen a nerve's connection from the brain to the body by using that connection -- aka being active!

The phrase "Practice makes perfect" applies to your body, specifically strengthening a nerve’s connection between the brain and body. How many of you are thinking -- My parents were RIGHT! I needed to practice more!!!! Your parents are neurologists, and you didn't even know.

--But The phrase "Perfect Practice makes perfect" is more appropriate—paying attention to your practice and improving your activity will strengthen the connection between the brain and body in the best way possible---and you don’t have to take my word for it --see the book "The Talent Code" by Daniel Coyle, which is a great read on how nerves work.

By keeping our nerves, muscles, and bones active, we will keep them strong so that we can keep living the life we love. If you want to keep moving, then you need to keep moving.

Now what was I saying about an outside Force, and why did I capitalize Force???

See my next post for the answers!

Reschke's Laws of Chiropractic, CARE THAT KEEPS YOU MOVING, and reading that keeps you guessing

Thank you for reading.


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